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NUR 160

This guide will help you find information for your NUR 160 course.


Welcome NUR160 students!

This guide has resources to help you with your assignment.  If you have any questions, please ask.

Library databases

Different types of sources

Scholarly vs. popular journal articles

Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals

What is a scholarly journal?

Your instructor has asked you to find an article in a scholarly (or professional or refereed or peer-reviewed) journal. Scholarly journals differ from popular magazines and trade journals/magazines in a number of ways. (See "Comparison Chart" below.) A primary difference between scholarly journals and other types of journals and magazines is that articles in these journals undergo a "peer review" process before they are published. What does this mean?

  • Peer review is the process by which an author's peers, recognized researchers in the field, read and evaluate a paper (article) submitted for publication and recommend whether the paper should be published, revised, or rejected.
  • Peer review is a widely accepted indicator of quality scholarship in a discipline or field. Articles accepted for publication through a peer review process meet the discipline's expected standards of expertise.
  • Peer-reviewed (or refereed) journals are scholarly journals that only publish articles that have passed through this review process.

The following characteristics can help you distinguish between these and two other types of periodicals: popular magazines and trade publications. If in doubt, ask your teacher or a librarian for assistance. View a helpful video from NC State University here: Peer Review in 3 Minutes


Criteria Scholarly Journal Popular Magazine Trade Magazine/Journal
Clinical Psychology Review
Time magazine
Content In-depth, primary account of original findings written by the researcher(s); very specific information, with the goal of scholarly communication. Secondary discussion of someone else's research; may include personal narrative or opinion; general information, purpose is to entertain or inform. Current news, trends and products in a specific industry; practical information for professionals working in the field or industry.
Author Author's credentials are provided; usually a scholar or specialist with subject expertise. Author is frequently a journalist paid to write articles, may or may not have subject expertise. Author is usually a professional in the field, sometimes a journalist with subject expertise.
Audience Scholars, researchers, and students. General public; the interested non-specialist. Professionals in the field; the interested non-specialist.
Language Specialized terminology or jargon of the field; requires expertise in subject area. Vocabulary in general usage; easily understandable to most readers. Specialized terminology or jargon of the field, but not as technical as a scholarly journal.
Graphics Graphs, charts, and tables; very few advertisements and photographs. Graphs, charts and tables; lots of glossy advertisements and photographs. Photographs; some graphics and charts; advertisements targeted to professionals in the field.
Layout & Organization Structured; includes the article abstract, goals and objectives, methodology, results (evidence), discussion, conclusion, and bibliography. Informal; may include non-standard formatting. May not present supporting evidence or a conclusion. Informal; articles organized like a journal or a newsletter. Evidence drawn from personal experience or common knowledge.
Accountability Articles are evaluated by peer-reviewers* or referees who are experts in the field; edited for content, format, and style. Articles are evaluated by editorial staff, not experts in the field; edited for format and style. Articles are evaluated by editorial staff who may be experts in the field, not peer-reviewed*; edited for format and style.
References Required. Quotes and facts are verifiable. Rare. Little, if any, information about source materials is given. Occasional brief bibliographies, but not required.
Paging Page numbers are consecutive throughout the volume. Each issue begins with page 1. Each issue begins with page 1.
Other Examples
Scholarly Journals
Annals of Mathematics, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, History of Education Quarterly, Almost anything with Journal in the title.
Popular Magazines
Sports Illustrated, National Geographic, Time, Newsweek, Ladies Home Journal, Cooking Light, Discover
Trade Magazines/Journals
Architectural Record, PC World, Restaurant Business, American Libraries, Psychology Today, School Band and Orchestra

Source: Susan Moore, Limestone College  Based on Scholarly vs. Popular Materials by Amy VanScoy, NCSU Library

APA help

Need help with APA formatting, references, and citations?  Check out the library's APA guide: You can also reach out to the SJU Writing Center.

Citing specific kinds of sources

Writing assistance

Picture of people working together over a piece of written work.

SJU Writing Center: From the April 2, 2024 This Week email, "Students can also utilize writing support through the SJU Writing Center, which offers in-person, synchronous online and asynchronous eTutoring appointments six days a week across four schedules – two on Hawk Hill, one at UCity, and one for eTutoring. Lancaster writers can select remote tutoring options on any of those schedules. Tutors from a variety of majors can assist with any type of writing at any stage of the process, including help with grammar and source citations. They are also trained to work with multilingual and neurodivergent writers and those with learning differences. Here is a link to the Writing Center website, where you can learn more about the Writing Center’s services for both students and faculty as well as make an appointment."