Scroll down or click on the hyperlinks in this box to see more information on the following topics:
1. Formatting
4. How to put everything together into a final product
c. Sample paper - Professional
The bottom of this guide also has a Frequently Asked Questions section. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.
These resources provide a general overview of APA Style. See the boxes below for more information on formatting, reference lists, in-text citations, and sample documents.
Source: Excelsior Online Writing Lab (includes transcript)
Suggested links for examples and more information below
Make sure to check your assignment sheet and rubric to see if your professor has any specific requirements, such as a specific font for your paper. The information in this box is for student papers. There is information about professional papers below.
Option 1: Follow this checklist for setting up your document
Option 2: Use the Template in Google Docs as a Starting point
You might consider starting with the Report APA 7th ed. template in Google Docs. When starting a new Google Doc, look in the Template Gallery for the Report APA 7th ed. template. Make sure to remove any items labeled for professional papers.
Option Three: Create Your Own Document Following the Steps in one of the Videos Below.
This video covers setting up your paper in Microsoft Word. See boxes below for more specific information on references and in-text citations.
Source: Kevin Doyle
This video covers setting up your paper in Google Docs. See boxes below for more specific information on references and in-text citations.
Source: Kevin Doyle
Additional tips for formatting
All APA references follow the same format of the following four elements: Author, Date, Title, and Source. What is included in those elements will vary based on the kind of source it is, such as a book, article, website, etc. The links below provide examples. If you are not sure what example to use as a template, please reach out for assistance.
Missing information?
The information below explains how to create in-text citations, which can be either parenthetical or narrative. Creating your references first, will help you identify components that you will also use in your in-text citations.
Source: Excelsior Online Writing Lab (includes transcript)
Suggested links for examples and more information below
An annotated bibliography is a reference list that also includes annotations after each entry. The video below gives an overview and the links below provide examples. See chapter nine in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological for more details.
Make sure to check your assignment sheet and rubric to see if your professor has any specific requirements for your paper.
Only use this format if your professor requests it. Otherwise, use the sample student papers for guidance.
Question: My source does not have page numbers and I want to quote from it. How do I write the in-text citation?
Answer: See this page from the APA with other options:
Question: I have multiple reference entries with the same author and year. How do I write the in-text citations?
Answer: You will add a letter on the reference list and the corresponding in-text citations. See this page from the APA for examples:
Question: How do I cite clinical practice references (UpToDate, Cochrane's, clinical practice guidelines, drug information, etc.)?
Answer: See this page from the APA :
Question: When should I include the name of a database in a reference?
Answer: See this page from the APA:
Databases available from PA College that might fall into this category, depending on what you use from them, include: APA PsycExtra, Cochrane’s, DynaMed, ERIC, Lexi-Comp, Made Incredibly Easy, Natural Medicines, Nursing Reference Center Plus, Rehabilitation Reference Center, and UpToDate
Question: How do I cite an image?
Answer: See this page from the APA:
Question: How can I reuse a chart, graph, or other figure from a scholarly work, such as a journal article?
Answer: See this page from University of Oregon Libraries: See chapter seven in the APA manual for more information.
Question: How do I cite something from my professor (lecture notes, PowerPoints, etc.)?
Answer: See this page from the APA:
If you are not sure how to cite something, please reach out. We can help.