Learning some information about your Nursing theory / theorist is a great place to start. While you might be tempted to search Google, try looking through your textbook and books from the library first.
Some suggested titles are listed below.
Warning: Some of our eBooks have a limit on how many people can view them at the same time. If the book is unavailable, try again later. If you are done with the book, please make sure close out of it so that others can access it.
Looking for peer reviewed/scholarly journals for this project? Try searching our Primo tool to find them. Not sure what a scholarly journal is? Take a look at the information on this page to see what makes this source different.
Nursing theorists search suggestions:
Searching for other NUR301 topics: You will probably need to try a variety of search terms to find the information you need. This page has more information on coming up with those terms.
Need help with APA formatting, references, and citations? Check out the library's APA guide: https://guides.sju.edu/APA You can also reach out to the SJU Writing Center.
SJU Writing Center: From the April 2, 2024 This Week email, "Students can also utilize writing support through the SJU Writing Center, which offers in-person, synchronous online and asynchronous eTutoring appointments six days a week across four schedules – two on Hawk Hill, one at UCity, and one for eTutoring. Lancaster writers can select remote tutoring options on any of those schedules. Tutors from a variety of majors can assist with any type of writing at any stage of the process, including help with grammar and source citations. They are also trained to work with multilingual and neurodivergent writers and those with learning differences. Here is a link to the Writing Center website, where you can learn more about the Writing Center’s services for both students and faculty as well as make an appointment."