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FactSet: Getting Started

What is FactSet?

FactSet is a database of financial and economic data.  

Where is FactSet?

FactSet is available on select workstations ground floor of Drexel Library.  These are designated by a FactSet logo on the monitor.
DL lab #09
DL lab #10 (Bloomberg station)
DL lab #11
DL lab #12
Find FactSet on the programs menu.   Do not attempt to use your individual FactSet connect on these workstations.
The FactSet Excel add-in is on these workstations. 
FactSet is also available on stations  in the Wall Street Trading Room (Mandeville 295 lab).
If you have an account (your instructor created an account for you) you will be able to access FactSet using FactSet's client software or using your web browser on your laptop  via FactSet Connect . 
Access to FactSet for academic & noncommercial use by students & faculty has been made possible by the Haub School of Business.
The Library does not maintain the FactSet.  Students: follow the procedure provided by your instructor if you run into problems. Please contact the Wall Street Trading Room for assistance if you require help with your individual FactSet connect account.  

Learning to Use FactSet

FactSet Learning Modules have eLearning courses that can help you learn at your own pace

  • Click on the Learning Portal– located in the upper-left corner of the FactSet desktop.

Note: use earbuds, or check out a pair of headphones at the Service Desk when viewing the videos.

  • Online Assistant: Look for the ? icon on the upper-right corner of the FactSet desktop
  • Contact the FactSet Help Desk at 1-877-FACTSET (available 24/7). 

Citing FactSet (APA style)

FactSet Research Systems Inc. (2016). McDonalds Corp. Company snapshot. Retrieved Feburary 10, 2016 from FactSet database.

In-text citation (FactSet Research Systems Inc., 2016)