A My NCBI account lets you personalize some PubMed settings and allows you to save searches and citations. Accounts are free. To create an account, you may use an existing Google account to log in. Your USciences email account is also a Google account and may be used for your My NCBI account login. Other account login options include:
After you create your account, we recommend that you personalize your account so that you will see links to USciences’ journal holdings. You also may choose to highlight your search terms in results and to set the display format for results.
To create your My NCBI account:
A. When you log in to your NCBI account, you may be at one of several places. Here's what you need to do depending on where you are:
B. On the My NCBI -- Preferences page, find and click on Outside Tool under PubMed Preferences.
C. On the My NCBI -- Outside Tool page, click on U in the alphabet near the top of the page. On the list of U's, scroll down to University of the Sciences and click on the box in front of it. (Can't find the university? It's the second entry below University of Texas Permian Basin, J. Conrad Dunagan Library.)
D. Return to the preferences page with the link at the bottom of the page. The Outside Tool should now be set to University of the Sciences.
Do you want to always see the abstracts and article links for your PubMed search results? Here’s how:
A. On the My NCBI -- Preferences page, find and click on Result Display Settings under PubMed Preferences.
B. In the My NCBI – Result Display preferences window, choose Abstract and then click on the Save button to return to the My NCBI -- Preferences page.
C. Back on the My NCBI -- Preferences page, the Result Display Settings should now be set to Abstract.
To return to PubMed from the My NCBI -- Preferences page, click on My NCBI in the upper right corner to go to your My NCBI homepage. On that page, enter your search in the Search NCBI databases search box and click Search. Clicking Search without entering a search will take you to the PubMed homepage.
Now that you have a My NCBI account, you can use it anytime you are at PubMed. To log in to your account, use the Log In button in the top right corner of any PubMed page.
To log out of My NCBI, click on your username in the upper right corner and then click on Log out.
For more information about using your My NCBI account, try one of these:
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