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Writing Studies

This guide will highlight specific resources from our collections that will be helpful for Writing Studies students.

What is rhetoric?

Rhetoric is the study of effective writing and speaking.

Check out the American Rhetoric: Online Speech Bank for links to over 5,000 full-text audio and video speeches as well as more information about rhetoric.


After Rhetoric: the Study of Discourse Beyond Language and Culture
available to current SJU students and faculty through netLibrary

The Rhetoric of Rhetoric: the Quest for Effective Communication
in print -- Drexel Library (2nd fl.) P301 .B594 2004


College Composition and Communication (1997 to present available through library database)

College English (1939 to present available through library database)

Composition Forum (an open access journal - 2005 to present available on the open web)

English Education (1969 to present available through library database)

English Journal (1912 to present available through library database)

Issues in Writing (2003 to present available through library database)

Journal of Basic Writing (2003 to present available through library database)

Journal of Writing Research (2008 to present available through library database)

Language Arts (1989 to present available through library database)

Pedagogy (2001 to present available through library database)

Research in the Teaching of English (1967 to present available through library database)

Teaching English in the Two Year College (1997 to present available through library database)

Voices from the Middle (1997 to present available through library database)