Google Scholar is Google’s tool for searching scholarly literature.
Important Note: Google Scholar's search results are not exhaustive, so do not assume that you have found "everything" on your topic via Scholar. It is just one tool to employ in your searches.
There are several ways to search for books and e-books in the library collection:
Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 2nd ed.
This style guide provides rules and examples for creating references for sources. It does not discuss creating superscript citations or writing style. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) created and maintains this guide. It is available free and no log in is required. This is the reference style used by the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
AMA Manual of Style. 10th ed.
This style guide from the American Medical Association (AMA) provides guidance on creating superscript citations and other aspects of writing in the health and medical fields. USciences username and password are required to use this link. Note: the AMA Manual of Style reference format is NOT the same as that from Citing Medicine and should not be used by Philadelphia College of Pharmacy students.