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Primo Library Search Tips

Tweak your results

Select, Exclude, and Apply Filters

To select a filter, hover over the filter and select the checkbox on the left side of the filter. 
You can apply as many filters as necessary but be certain to click on Apply Filters at the bottom. 

To exclude specific filters, click on the exclude icon Exclude Icon, which is a a marked checkbox with a slash through it. . 
These will immediately be applied to the search. 

Remember Filters

To make a filter persistent through multiple searches, hover the cursor over the filter in the Active filters section and then select the filter's padlock Padlock icon, which is of a closed padlock..

To make all filters persistent through multiple searches, in the Active filters section click on "Remember all filters".

Tweak Your Results Options

Options Description
Search within full text By default Primo searches all relevant fields aside from the full text of the resource. Users can opt to search within full text by toggling this option, but be warned that results will be inflated and less relevant.
Sort by

Relevance:  Primo’s closest match to your search
Date-newest:  Newest first
Date-oldest:  Oldest first
Author:  Alphabetical by lead author’s last name
Title:  Alphabetical by title excluding initial articles like “the”


Available Online:  Limits search results to online resources
Peer-reviewed Journals:  Limits search results to peer-reviewed journals
Open Access:  Limits search results to Open Access content (freely available on the web)
Available at the Library:  Limits search results to physical items owned by SJU Libraries

Resource Type Articles
and more!
Creation Date

Input date range to limit results and click refine.
Note that if you do not click the refine button, the date range will not apply to your results.