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Where is the Bloomberg?

Bloomberg terminals are located in the Wall Street Trading Room Annex (Mandeville 294).  

December 2020: The Library's Bloomberg is now located on the first floor of Post Learning Commons.  This workstation is for Bloomberg use ONLY.  

What is Bloomberg?

Bloomberg has data on more than 5 million bonds, equities, commodities, currencies & funds. It covers most every publicly traded company in the world, and has profiles on more than a million people.

Navigation in Bloomberg is different from most other databases you use.  Bloomberg is a decentralized command driven system.  The commands are represented by codes.  These codes tell Bloomberg the function you would like the database to perform or the type of information you want on a security or a market for example.

Being a decentralized database, there are three things to keep in mind:

Decentralized Bloomberg


  • Hierarchical nature of information, but not "main" menu.
  • Each market is its own "silo."
  • With use of a command, you can jump from silo to silo.

With more than 25,000 codes, the key to becoming an expert Bloomberg user is to

  • Memorize the codes you use most often and
  • Know how to get help in Bloomberg to find new codes.

It may seem awkward at first, but as you use Bloomberg more and memorize some of the codes, you will find that it is a time saver.

Bloombert Syntax

Learning how to put a command together in Bloomberg is similar to learning another language.  The example below provides the basic structure of a command.