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Fixed Income Examples

Example 1: Find generic 1-month US bond prices

Step 1:      GGR < GO >
Step 2: Select 19) UNITED STATES
Step 3: Select 2) 1 MONTH
Step 4: Select 83) HP 

Notice we are in the Index market? The generic rates are a composite of different individual bonds. If we knew the ticker and function code beforehand we could have gotten here in one step like this:

Step 1:      USGG1M < INDEX > HP < GO >

Example 2:
Find yields on the Austrian 20-year bond, RAGB6 1/4

Step 1:      < GOVT > TK < GO >
Step 2:     Select 9) Austria
Step 3:     Select 9) CTATS Current Treasury Notes/Bonds
Step 4:     Select 12) 20YR RAGB
Step 5:     GY < GO > - Yield chart and data

Alternatively you can get there in one step if you know the codes.

Step 1:      RAGB 6.25 < GOVT > GY < GO >

Example 3:
Find all the current bonds for IBM

Step 1:      IBM < CORP > < GO >
Note:      You can modify the list with the amber drop-down menus.

If you know the coupon and maturity as well as the function codes ahead of time you can enter it directly for example:

Example :    IBM 7 1/2 < CORP > GY < GO >

Other functions of interest:

WB < GO >--COUN < GO >--

ALLQ < GO > All Quotes can monitor the pricing data on a fixed income security from a number of sources.
BTMM < GO > Bloomberg Treasury and Money Markets Monitor provides a comprehensive picture of the current interest rate environment for a selected country.
FICM < GO > Fixed Income Credit Monitor
WB < GO > World Bond Markets
COUN < GO > Country Guide
< GOVT > DIS < GO > Distressed debt menu.
< GOVT > WB < GO > World Bond Markets brings global benchmark bonds to one screen.