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NUR 115

This guide with help you with your annotated bibliography for NUR115.


Welcome ASN students!


Below are resources that you might found helpful for your numeracy and personal philosophy papers.  Keep scrolling down for screenshots and specific suggestions for your article search.  


Check out the Learning Commons Resources tab above for more opportunities available to you.  


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

- Amy

Searching for peer-reviewed journal articles

Looking for nursing articles?  

Try searching CINAHL.  Not sure what a scholarly journal is?  Take a look at the information on this page to see what makes this source different.


Suggestions for your article search (screenshots are included below):

  • Put your topic in the search box.  Please note that CINAHL will match any words in your search box, so if you use an abbreviation and the author wrote out what the abbreviation stood for, you might miss potential articles.
  • Use the limiters to help focus your list of results.  Your faculty member might have criteria listed on your assignment that you will find as limiters in a library database.
    • Journal subset: This can help you limit your results to nursing journals.
    • Scholarly (also called Peer Reviewed) Journals: This will help you meet the criteria of this assignment.
    • Date: This will help you meet the criteria of this assignment.  You can set a starting date that corresponds with how far back you want to look at articles.
    • Full-text: This will show you articles you should have immediate access to.
    • Language: There are non-English articles in CINAHL, you can use the language option to show you only articles in a language you can read.


If you have trouble: You might need to think of other search terms.  This page has more information on coming up with those terms.  You can always ask for help from a librarian.

Searching CINAHL

Try searching CINAHL to find your article.


This is what the initial search screen looks like in CINAHL.  If you would like a larger image, try right clicking to view the image on a new tab or page.  See above for suggested limiters to add to your search.


CINAHL homepage with the search boxes circled and the options to limit your search, including journal subset, can be found below.



After you do a search, the search results page should look something like this.


CINAHL search results page with filters underneath the search bar marked, a note to click on the article title to read more about it, and indicating that there is an option to ask a SJU librarian on this page.



If you click on the title of an article, you will see a screen like this.


Article result page in CINAHL with buttons to access the article and get help with citing by clicking the quotation mark icon marked. There are also notes about scrolling down to read the abstract and a button to click to a ask a SJU librarian.

APA help


You might consider starting with the Report APA 7th ed. template in Google Docs. When starting a new Google Doc, look in the Template Gallery for the Report APA 7th ed. template. Make sure to remove any items labeled for professional papers.

Google Docs screenshot with Template Gallery and Report APA 7th ed. circled



Journal article reference


The following links share the basics of in-text citations and information on paraphrasing.


For more information on APA, check out the APA guide below.