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NUR 115

This guide with help you with your annotated bibliography for NUR115.

Made Incredibly Easy Collection

Made Incredibly Easy Collection, part of LWW Health Library

APA help

Need help with APA formatting, references, and citations?  Check out the library's APA guide: You can also reach out to the SJU Writing Center.

Writing assistance

Picture of people working together over a piece of written work.

SJU Writing Center: From the April 2, 2024 This Week email, "Students can also utilize writing support through the SJU Writing Center, which offers in-person, synchronous online and asynchronous eTutoring appointments six days a week across four schedules – two on Hawk Hill, one at UCity, and one for eTutoring. Lancaster writers can select remote tutoring options on any of those schedules. Tutors from a variety of majors can assist with any type of writing at any stage of the process, including help with grammar and source citations. They are also trained to work with multilingual and neurodivergent writers and those with learning differences. Here is a link to the Writing Center website, where you can learn more about the Writing Center’s services for both students and faculty as well as make an appointment."