Below are suggested places to search for articles
- Primo is looking for results that match all the words you put in the search box. Try different phrases to describe your subject. You might have more luck searching for some words than others.
- If you are not getting many results, try removing one of your search terms to expand your search.
- If there are words that you want to show up together in a search result, such as "pet therapy", try searching for that phrase in quotation marks. Otherwise you will get results that just mention those words independently in a result such as an article on physical therapy for your pet.
- By placing NOT in front of a word, Primo will remove any articles listing the word you listed. This can be helpful in removing articles you are not interested in seeing. For example, if you were looking for information on diabetes, but not diabetes in children, you could search for diabetes NOT children.
- The limiters on the left-hand side will help you focus your search to the criteria you mark.
More help: Check out the library's Primo guide for more help.