ITC Market Analysis ToolsThis link opens in a new windowThe International Trade Centre has developed a suite of online tools to make global trade more transparent and facilitate access to markets: Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map, Trade Competitiveness Map, Standards Map, and Procurement Map.
Investment Map provides a combination of information on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), trade, market access and information on foreign affiliate companies to help in attracting investment.
Trade Map provides statistics and indicators on global trade flows that helps you use data to make decisions about product and market diversification.Market Access Map provides data on customs tariffs, indicators of protection and a tariff simulation facility that helps you analyse market access issues and prepare for trade negotiations.Standards Map provides access to information on private voluntary standards to enhance opportunities for sustainable production and trade.Investment Map provides a combination of information on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), trade, market access and information on foreign affiliate companies to help in attracting investment.Trade Competitiveness Map (also known as Country Map) provides country market analysis profiles for around 240 countries and territories. Each profile provides a series of tools to facilitate strategic market research, monitor national and sectoral trade and macro-economic performance and design trade development strategies.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) DataThis link opens in a new windowInternational financial statistics (IFS), Balance of payments statistics (BOPS), Direction of trade statistics (DOTS), and Government finance statistics (GFS). View and download predefined data reports or create and share your own views of IMF data.
DIBS - globalEDGE Database of International Business Statistics™Interested academics (i.e., students, faculty, and researchers affiliated with a higher education institution, government agency, or think tank) may download data free of charge. The only requirements are that you register on globalEDGE (which is also FREE) using an institutional (.edu or .gov) email address and provide a statement of your intended use.
What is Foreign Direct Investment?
A foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a company or entity based in one country, into a company or entity based in another country.