Intended audience: Researchers and professionals.
Academic libraries subscribe to these publications to support faculty and student research.
Articles are written by: researchers & academics
What you’ll find:
Original research projects and theory.
Detailed abstract, usually written by author(s).
Authors’ affiliations provided.
References (works cited).
Intended audience: Written for a mainstream audience, popular business-oriented magazines cover major companies, trends, and personalities in business.
Where they are found: on newsstands, bookstores, and by subscription, and found in doctors’ offices, public libraries, and elsewhere.
Articles written by staff or freelancers, and may be unsigned.
No reference list, bibliography, or works cited list at the end of magazine articles.
For up-to-date coverage:
Intended audience: a particular profession, industry, or organization. Uses industry or professional jargon.
Read for: Industry trends, new products and techniques, and information about leading companies in industry.
Examples of trade publications: